Narrative Extract from 'Murders of Crows in the Stars'


In this corner I am attaching a preface to the introduction, designed to introduce, although I find it only ironic that an introduction needs a preface, a justification; In any case, Introduction is always called, so there is no difference in the eyes of the self-claimed intelligent man.
It is, therefore, between these lines that the writings of a blind poet lie;
Blind not for sight, which certainly is akin to the world, but for the soul not yet smoothed by the sun and the beauty of the aforementioned, same world.
Then a poet only in jargon and in spirit, but a man aware of his being miserable only to then accept that status, like the donkey of compare Alfio.
Perhaps the individual representation of the decadence of a civitas.
Three months in silence, but detaching oneself from the dream is then impossible for a simple mind.
It can be deduced, or rather it is certain, that paper was never impregnated with ink on the other side of the thread,
however words, mere simplifications of thought, those were spent after only the first and only meeting.
‘Letters not worthy of an answer,
man not worthy of his mind. ‘

Chapter 1

Only actor of his show and as such, the sole author of his hell.
The sun undresses and lays light veils on the dark that slowly dies, streets unnoticed and trampled by the footsteps of those who go too fast and the gray faces among the anonymous ones, remind the cynics and cowards that a new day, also achromatic, has already begun.
The shutter of a small warehouse in the center is always the first to be raised, thus revealing working faces that the sun kisses with pride. From time to time some passerby in the morning rush stops to observe the intricate motifs of some carpet on display in the window, yet no one ever crosses that threshold; Mayse is because that five years ago a mirror broke after a coal accident, but maybe it’s just that time is money and money must be spent on vices, not on carpets.
It was a distracted encounter, born and then kept faintly alive like a light, to catch the attentive eye in that narrow street of Marciana Marina, in the not indifferent coolness of a December morning.
From that shutter described earlier and now closed, late in the day you can then hear the ink that fertilizes the paper.

December 1st
Dear Dobrosky,
I have been told to write at this address, I hope these words of mine reach you.
I am writing to let you know that the carpets and ornaments you have ordered from my shop are ready to be picked up, so come by whenever you want.
Obviously not ‘my’ shop in case you were wondering .
‘In case you were wondering’
In reality, I don’t know why I write, I don’t have much to say, ‘much’ to use an exaggeration to speak the truth.
In any case, there is a whole new collection of carpets imported from the East that is a splendor!
Yes, see you soon and with cordiality
A ~ 
Chapter 2

The man, easily malleable in his heart, reopens the shutter the next morning; It almost seems that the gray faces now glow not only with ego, but with serenity.
He smiles at the events of the previous day which, not sated with misery, begins anew as a retracement.
The same graceful shape reappears, the same yet different inconclusive speeches and everything goes out again, leaving a light and almost imperceptible veil of bitterness.

December 4th
My dear Dobrosky
I am very pleased to know that you have received my letter and that you have appreciated the choice of motifs on the carpets.
Since you said that you are equally pleased to talk to me, I find myself writing again.
However, worse than the first time, I’m running out of arguments again.
I’ll start with my cat, do you have cats? Mine is white, but completely white you know, or rather it was but there was a bad accident with coal some time ago; Yes, coal.
Anyway I am very tired, but I promise to write to you tomorrow.
By the way you can also send letters, in the sense if you want it, if you consider it appropriate here.
I will write the address on the back of the envelope.
Your humble servant
A ~

Like the encounter, the continuation is also dying, but there was not a soul to point this out.
Perhaps because after all no living soul was public for that missed show.

December 5
It’s five in the afternoon, but I can’t wait until the evening. A few hours ago a slightly elderly customer arrived, a silent customer, since he didn’t buy anything; On the other hand, he told me, or rather read, one of his wonderful writings by him following a brief semi-political debate that arose from I don’t know where. It is titled ‘The two kings’ and says something along these lines:
‘There was a king who proclaimed to the plebeians that the pencil he had in front of him was red, the pencil clearly it appears blue to the viewer, therefore outside, and another king who proclaimed that the object was in fact green, but he added textual words to this statement:
- “You, oh plebs, blindly believe everything that the other king says, but you are wrong.” -
The people looked at both sides and thought that the second king was the bearer of truth, since in their hearts they knew they had believed the first king; A statement so personal that it seemed to read in their hearts, so true in their eyes that they blindly followed the second king, condemning the first to death.
In the meantime it seems to me correct to specify that the pencil actually seemed blue in the eyes of all the faces of that beautiful people. What can I say, we’ll all end up in color blindness. “
See my dear Dobrosky, the ridiculous thing is that if you want you can even insinuate that the people themselves can then condemn the second king by saying that the pencil is blue, then a second opponent will take place to declare that it is in fact indigo and so on ad infinitum, losing the sense of reality itself. The important thing, added the elder, is to have an audience to whom they can proclaim their truths, an audience to listen, since the latter is a pretext; I never found the words to express that concept before my day was illuminated by a stranger with a lot of free time.
 In any case, I look forward to your opinion.
 Your humble servant and friend
 A ~

December 10
My dear Dobrosky,
A misfortune happened this afternoon,
But a misfortune I say!
I was in line to claim my daily bread ration,
ration since it belongs to me as a right,
And the attendant denies it to me due to running out of supplies, according to him because it was very late;
But what can I do if there was such a high demand for work? Nothing.
And so I find myself on an empty stomach as the pay is 3 days from now and I have already spent my last £ 50 to buy a new waistcoat and tie; But then how wonderful this new tie, oh I tell you I have seen some ties! Certainly always in the chest of others.
In any case, the only thing that really makes it a disgrace is that it did not depend in any way on me but on third parties.
 Ps- My dear, I noticed that there has been no response to my last two letters and you have not come to the shop anymore, are you in an unfavorable state of mind? Let me hear you, you make me worry, you have never written to me yet.

Chapter 3

The day dies again and the next morning a messenger is getting ready a little confused to deliver the letters to the other part of the town, letters that have now accumulated in a pile in front of a house that has been shut down for a long time.
No one crossed the threshold of the shop more than once, yet the undeterred man continued to write, to act on the empty stage for over three months, only to arrive at the natural and embittered conclusion of everything. One last time the pen danced with the paper, there in the coolness of a March night in the small town of Marciana Marina.

March 5
My dear,
New ornaments are available, imported by God knows where, I don’t even care;
I am here. I am always here.
As always with affection
Your humble servant
A ~


Nobody then opened the shutter the next morning, only a strange dismay was heard in the night.
Next to the body, a handwritten notebook was found, on the first pages was engraved ‘The two kings’, 
signed A.
