Art makes me disgusted if perverted.
Art disgusts me.
Sometimes I write and find myself wondering - when is it too much for the audience? What's the fine line between being sensible and being mad? That same line that nowadays distinguishes an enthusiast from those who desperately chase a trend.
Is this video born to be viral? Is the title written in fictitious ink with the sole purpose of attracting distracted eyes of consumers as from a butcher?
Is a work of art such before it is conceived?
[Chapter I - Politics]
Some time ago I happened to observe with an equally distracted eye the works of Bansky and, more deeply, the intellectual war on a par with that between Hegel and Fichte and Schelling that has risen around this figure whose face is hidden and rather ephemeral.
To see so proclaimed 'critics' commenting and imposing their conflicting opinions on today's subject, is undoubtedly comparable to watching pigs crawl in the mud and bask in diamonds.
The conclusions I have drawn are as follows:
One of the fronts believes that it is art if it does not have a clear political message, while the opposite front screams to the wind that it is art if it carries in its womb a clear message that stimulates emotions.
[Chapter 2 - Hubris]
I'm snob. I don't like *most* anime art, I don't like *most* digital art, I don't call what's political - art. But the moment these forms of expression communicate something to me, they become part of my memory.
I therefore find myself wondering what the difference is between a solid thought and a liquid ideal, what divides art and mere entertainment - why is this line so marked?
I was going to add an image of my old pieces (to further prove my own points and my own argument), but now I realize that I am too snobbish even to do so. Maybe it's just being insecure, wanting to sculpt an idealized image that represents us and that is up to a hypothetical interlocutor, such that probably does not even exist.
What form of elitism makes a great artist? Isn't it that we take ourselves too seriously just to find a special place in the world?
Artists are raw human beings, children who speak their own language. A child does not stop to think about what is art and what is not, a child does not waste time with worldly things even if he has more time than any other. A child - an artist - paints the oneiric to be understood.
I'm snob.
I'm too snob for most art.
I'm too afraid to be misunderstood for most art.
I started painting to explain what didn't come out in words, and now I've built an ink cage as a man and a user.
But deep down, isn't it true that a child paints not to express himself but those colors, because he is not afraid of being misunderstood?
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